
Performance Marketing

Optimizing your online sales with a consistent data strategy

What’s the most efficient online marketing strategy? With the internet and the habits of its users constantly changing, there’s a different answer to this question every year. What’s hip today may be completely obsolete tomorrow.

Data-driven marketing (performance marketing) enables you to systematically measure your successes and failures – and jump on relevant trends in time.

You should consider the following measures as mandatory if you do online sales:

  • Define clear goals. Before launching an online marketing offensive, be clear about your goals. The more precisely you formulate your key performance indicators (KPIs), the better you can achieve them with various measures afterwards. Narrow down channels. Marketing works best when it addresses users directly. Conversely, this means that each channel (e.g. Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok) has specific rules that must be observed. Few, but well-thought-out campaigns are therefore usually the most efficient. Measure, calibrate, and measure again. Track your marketing with the appropriate analysis tools and evaluate your success at regular, not too long intervals. This way you can use your budget to maximum effect.
  • Narrow down channels. Marketing works best when it addresses users directly. Conversely, this means that each channel (e.g. Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok) has specific rules that must be observed. Few, but well-thought-out campaigns are therefore usually the most efficient.
  • Measure, calibrate, and measure again. Track your marketing with the appropriate analysis tools and evaluate your success at regular, not too long intervals. This way you can use your budget to maximum effect.

The good news is that online marketing is often relatively inexpensive, because you can roll out the measures very specifically and in small portions.