
Communication Intelligence

Communicative insight thanks to customized dashboards

All internet “unicorns” have one thing in common: their success is based on systematically evaluating data and using this information to calibrate their business strategy on an ongoing basis. Other companies should be following their lead – even more so in the Internet age.

Dashboards reduce complexity

Under the banner of “business intelligence (BI),” years ago large software companies began to visualize data (e.g. from the company’s internal CRM) in dashboards and make it usable. Even in the highly standardized financial industry, information service providers that were able to display data efficiently and in real time on a screen prevailed. Depending on the industry, it was possible to massively reduce information costs using BI.

From BI to communication intelligence (CI)

Traditionally, the situation is different in corporate communications, where the number of applications is constantly growing and the data has very different origins and structures. Do you keep track of website traffic, newsletter readership, brand awareness on social media channels, overall media exposure, and, let’s not forget, customer service inquiries? In many organizations, the answer is probably no.

It doesn’t have to be that way, because APIs (application programming interfaces) make it relatively easy to “tap into” most systems. This means that nothing stands in the way of creating customized dashboards for communication and marketing.

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